Your Oral Health is Your Total Health

Your Oral Health is Your Total Health

We Human beings, to live and survive consume food as a basic need. How many of us have thought that food we consume orally is keeping one's dental health in good condition.

Studies and researchers have proven that plaque and calculus in dental terminology contains aerobic and anaerobic bacteria which accumulated and attached to teeth slowly discharge and go along with food. So Bacteria reaches the intestine, heart valves, liver which leads to damage in slow process.

So what all measures we can do to keep clean and healthy of our teeth and tongue for good oral health

  1. Every six months go to dental check up and check your teeth that all teeth are free from cavity
  2. Every 6 months get cleaning of all your teeth from dentist
  3. Change your toothbrush for every 3 months
  4. Eat guava fruit which helps your teeth to be strong
  5. Brush your teeth twice a day (morning before food and night before going to sleep)
  6. Use anti discolor agent mouthwash as recommended by your dentist.
  7. Clean your tongue with tongue cleaner
  8. Use interdental brush and dental floss as recommended by your dentist.

We eat plenty of times a day without thinking about our teeth and Oral health. At Least from now on words let's do at least a few of the above measures to maintain oral health. So finally, your oral health is your total health.

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