Our Vision
All human beings should live as one family, fostering a deep sense of brotherhood and harmony, supporting and caring for one another, regardless of differences.
Journey to Enlightenment
Upanishads, Brahma Sutras, Bhagavad Gita and Prakarana scriptures serve as the foundational pillars of the spiritual and philosophical edifice, encapsulating its profound wisdom and guiding principles.
Brahmashri Guru is a revered spiritual teacher, often seen as an enlightened master or a sage with profound wisdom.
The title "Brahmashri" combines "Brahma," referring to the ultimate reality or supreme cosmic power and "Shri," a title of respect.
Such a guru embodies the divine qualities of creation, preservation and transformation.
The role of a Brahmashri Guru is to guide disciples on their spiritual journey, helping them attain self-realization and enlightenment.
Spiritual Practices
Gītā Jayanti
Every Year on "Mārgaśira śud'dha ēkādaśi" day.
Śaṅkarācārya jayanti
Every Year on the "Vaiśākha śud'dha pan̄cami" day.
Gurudēvula ārādhana
Every Year on the "Āṣāḍha śud'dha dvādaśi" day
Guru pūja & bhagavad gīta pārāyaṇamu
Every Month on the "Śukla ēkādaśi" Day.
Pūrṇima pūja
Every Month on the "Paurṇami" day.
Advaita vratamu
Every Month on First Sunday.