In a tragic incident in Bengaluru, a 41-year-old man allegedly took the lives of his wife and her companion before ending his own, according to local authorities. The events unfolded between Wednesday night and the early hours of Thursday,
The Bengaluru police identified the man as Pulusu Golla, who is accused of fatally attacking his 33-year-old wife, Pulusu Lakshmi and 20-year-old Ganesh Kumar. The assault reportedly occurred at an under-construction site near RBI Layout in the Konanakunte area. Authorities believe a heated confrontation escalated into violence, with Golla allegedly using a wooden log to strike the victims on their heads, the report stated.
Following the attack, Golla is believed to have died by suicide around 4 am on Thursday. All three individuals, originally from Andhra Pradesh, were employed as construction workers and resided at the site where the incident occurred, the publication noted.
Police suspect that Golla’s actions were fueled by suspicion of an extramarital affair. After the killings, Golla allegedly called his sister-in-law, confessed to the murders and informed her of his intention to end his own life.
“The motive appears to be suspicion of an affair. After committing the murders, Golla called his sister-in-law, confessed to the killings and indicated he planned to die by suicide,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) for South Bengaluru, Lokesh B Jagalasar, said, as quoted in the report.
Jagalasar confirmed that the investigation is ongoing, with police gathering witness statements and technical evidence to piece together the events leading to the tragedy. “We are pursuing the investigation from all angles, gathering eyewitness accounts and technical evidence,” Jagalasar added.