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Can infertility be temporary? Check out these tips to boost fertility Health

Can infertility be temporary? Check out these tips to boost fertility

Can infertility be temporary? Health expert reveals factors influencing your chance of conceiving and share tips to boost fertility. Infertility is often considered a permanent condition, leaving couples devastated and hopeless however, it is important to remember that health experts suggest that infertility can sometimes be temporary. In some cases, lifestyle factors such as stress, poor diet or hormonal imbalances can affect fertility temporarily. By addressing these issues and making positive changes in their lives, couples may increase their chances of conceiving. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Bharati Dhorepatil, Consultant Infertility Expert at NOVA IVF Fertility in Pune, revealed the factors influencing your chance of conceiving.

Study reveals acupuncture and massage as effective pain management in advanced cancer Health
Study reveals acupuncture and massage as effective pain management in advanced cancer

In a recent clinical trial published in JAMA Network Open, researchers from the United States of America (USA) assessed and compared the effectiveness of acupuncture and massage therapy for musculoskeletal pain in 298 patients with advanced cancer. They found that both treatments could reduce pain, fatigue, and insomnia in patients while improving their quality of life (QoL) over 26 weeks. The QoL of about 67% of patients with advanced cancer is hampered by pain, a debilitating symptom that often presents with fatigue and insomnia. Although the treatment of pain in these patients relies majorly on the use of opioids, the ongoing opioid crisis limits the prescription of and access to these drugs. Additionally, the potential side effects of such medications underscore the increased need and preference for alternative therapies for pain management. The 2022 guidelines from the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the Society for Integrative Oncology recommend using acupuncture and massage for oncologic pain management. Evidence suggests that acupuncture is effective in treating pain in cancer survivors, but there’s a dearth of studies explicitly conducted on patients with advanced cancer. The long-term benefits of massage in cancer pain management have also not been thoroughly investigated or compared with those of acupuncture.

Smoking is the leading cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Health
Smoking is the leading cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

A new brief reveals that smoking remains one of the leading causes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a common lung disease that causes breathing problem and claiming the lives of over 3 million people every year. There is an estimated 392 million people living with COPD and three quarters of them live in low- and middle-income countries. Tobacco smoking accounts for over 70% of COPD cases in high-income countries. In low-and-middle-income-countries tobacco smoking accounts for 30–40% of COPD cases with household air pollution being the other major risk factor. People living with COPD face a greater risk of developing lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and type 2 diabetes. The COVID-19 pandemic has further underscored the challenges in accessing healthcare for these individuals. Quitting smoking will not only reduce your risk of COPD but also significantly reduces the risk of these severe coexisting conditions.

Anti-pollution masks: Save yourself from poor air quality index with these top picks Health
Anti-pollution masks: Save yourself from poor air quality index with these top picks

It’s that time of the year again when air pollution levels rise. The festive season of Diwali and Dussehra, coupled with the winter onset, is like fodder for the pollution monster every year. One of the most important side effects of pollution is on respiratory health. So, it is essential that you protect yourself from this health hazard. Covering your mouth and nose using anti-pollution masks is one of the most effective ways

Respiratory issues can disrupt your sleep. Here's how to manage them naturally Health
Respiratory issues can disrupt your sleep. Here's how to manage them naturally

Experiencing nighttime awakenings, also known as nighttime arousals, is common for individuals with obstructive sleep, asthma or COPD and these interruptions in sleep can lead to feelings of grogginess in the morning and tiredness during the day. Symptoms of both COPD and asthma, such as coughing, wheezing, breathlessness, nasal congestion and heartburn, sudden gasp for breathe in obstructive sleep may be the cause of these nighttime awakenings