Meet man who was once richer than Mukesh Ambani, lost Rs 12000 crore net worth, is now homeless, know his tragic story
Raymonds and Singhania's family have been making headlines since the a
Raymonds and Singhania's family have been making headlines since the announcement of Chairman and Managing Director, Gautam Singhania's divorce with wife Nawaz Modi. As part of the divorce settlement, Modi has demanded 75 per cent of the Rs 11,660 crore property of Singhania. Now, Gautam Singhania's father and former MD of Raymond, Vijaypat Singhania has come out in support of Nawaz instead of his own son Gautam. Under the Hindu Marriage Act as I know, 50% of the husband's holding automatically goes to the wife in a separation. A very simple lawyer can get her that under the Hindu Marriage Act. Why is she fighting for 75%? Gautam is never going to give in because his motto is to buy everybody and buy everything. That's what he did with me. I didn't have that kind of money left to fight him. He bought everything. He'll buy everything. By fighting like this, I don't think she'll get much. Vijaypat Singhania, at one time, ran the whole Raymond empire. He was at that time one of the richest men in India. But today he lives in a rented apartment. he was once richer than Mukesh Ambani because Ambani was very young when Vijaypat was already the owner of Raymond Group. But, his fate took a turn when his son ousted him from his house. Vijaypat Singhania is struggling to maintain his life and is struggling to live a decent life.
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