The Mumbai Traffic Police have reported receiving a death threat aimed at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. The threat, communicated via a WhatsApp message from an unknown number, demands that Adityanath resign from his position within 10 days or face dire consequences. The message ominously warns that he will be "killed like Baba Siddique," referencing the recent murder of the former minister and NCP (Ajit Pawar) leader, who was shot dead in Bandra last month.
The alarming message was received by the Traffic Control Cell on Saturday evening. Authorities are currently investigating the source of the threat and are working to identify the sender.
The police are on alert as Yogi Adityanath is likely to come to Maharashtra for the state assembly election campaign. As a precautionary measure, security for Chief Minister Adityanath has been significantly increased following this disturbing notification.
"Mumbai traffic Police Control Room received a death threat regarding UP CM Yogi Adityanath, yesterday. The message said that if CM Yogi doesn't resign in 10 days, he will be killed like Baba Siddique. Mumbai Police Traffic Control Cell received the message from an unknown number," Mumbai police said in a statement.
A 24-year-old woman has been arrested for allegedly sending the death threat to the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister on Sunday.
The woman, identified as Fatima Khan, who has done BSc in Information Technology, resided in Ulhasnagar area of neighbouring Thane district of Maharashtra with her family members. Her father is into timber business.
The woman is well qualified but is mentally unstable, the police said.
Threats to Salman Khan
Baba Siddique's assassination on October 12, when he was shot by three assailants while celebrating Dussehra outside his son's office, has left the region on edge.
The threat message to Adityanath comes just days after Bollywood actor Salman Khan received a similar threat from an unknown number demanding ₹2 crore.
Notably, Khan had earlier received death threats from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. Suspected members of the gang had opened fire outside the actor’s Bandra home in April this year.
A few months back, the Navi Mumbai police uncovered a plot by the Bishnoi gang to kill Khan, leading to security enhancement for the actor.