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Things to Know before you go for Registration of a Plot or Property in Bangalore

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon22nd Mar 2021
When you decide to buy a property or land than a normal business deal where you get a plot of land in exchange of money. Before going into details of plot registration, there are a few terms you must know. Registration fee - It's a small percentage of total cost of plot paid by buyer to state government for registering property on his name.

When Police doesnot register your FIR? Contact Judge!

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon22nd Mar 2021
If you are reporting a cognisable crime and Police refuse to register your FIR, you can make a complaint to a higher ranking officer such as the Superintendent of Police (SP), the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) or the Inspector General of Police (IGP). You can also complain to the nearest Judicial Magistrate, who will order the police to register the FIR if deemed necessary.
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