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Best way to add additional estimates upon the original estimate for a Story in a Sprint?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon8th May 2023
When additional work or requirements are identified for a Story during a Sprint, it is important to ensure that the impact on the Sprint's scope and timeline is understood and communicated to the team and stakeholders. Here are some steps that can be followed to add additional estimates to a Story in a Sprint: Review the original estimate: First, review the original estimate for the Story an

Project vs Product - Plan and Delivery, Agile Characteristics

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon22nd Nov 2022
In the Service Industry, a Technical Lead or Technical Architect or Delivery Manager, one is always looking at the work, either as a Project or a Product, but I say, one should look at it as both, because work would be a Project for us but work would be a Product for the clients. While working on Agile basis, being at the leading positions one will be seeing the scope of work, then prepare the ba

What to Know for Estimating Projects

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon27th Jul 2021
Estimating projects is part of project management. And we can’t always estimate a project with 100% accuracy. There will be learning from the failed attempts at estimating projects, maybe with running overtime, or with budget, or with resources etc. If one needs to deliver a project successfully then one must estimate the project as better as possible.
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