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Read Data to Paragraph Template in Drupal Application

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon17th Jul 2022
In this article we are going to see how to read the dynamic data of the node or entity or field values to the template file, which are specific to the paragraph template. Generally while the Paragraph module is used, default template suggestions given by the paragraph module or the template suggestions provided by the hooks are used and further template design is done. Here’s the article wh

How to work with Twig Templates in Drupal?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon24th Jun 2022
In this article, we are going to see how a developer can work with Twig templates and how to override templates (if needed) and create template suggestions with hooks, so that templates could be easily managed. Basically drupal allows people to override the existing twig templates, so that people can fully have control on the html generated via the custom theme. First thing, we need to make sure

Understand why Twig is replacing PHP Template in Drupal

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon14th Aug 2021
A completely new template engine is introduced in Drupal. The templating system in all previous versions of Drupal is using theme_* functions and PHP-based *.tpl.php files. Now, this has been completely replaced in Drupal 8. Instead of using theme functions and theme template files, Drupal is now using the Twig templating system. Twig is a PHP-based compiled templating l
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