
How to run PHPUnit test cases on your local machine for Drupal

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon27th Aug 2023
Running PHPUnit tests helps ensure that your Drupal module behaves as expected and provides a reliable way to identify and fix issues during development. To run PHPUnit test cases on your local machine for Drupal, follow these steps: Install PHPUnit and its dependency: Make sure you have PHP and Composer installed on your local machine. If you don't have PHPUnit installed, you can install

Usage of Local Php Security Checker for Drupal Applications

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon23rd Jul 2022
In this article, we are going to see how the Local PHP Security Checker library will make people's lives easier during the development & code review process. To make developer life easier, developers look for tools or libraries which can automated security review. Here comes the Local PHP Security Checker library, which checks for any known vulnerabilities in the package dependencies. Th

Usage of PhpStan on Github via Pull Request for Drupal Applications

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon5th Jul 2022
In this article, we are going to see how some tools & libraries will make people's lives easier during the development and code review process. We have a similar helpful article related to Phpcs, have a check of this. To make developer life easier, developers look for tools or libraries which can automated code review and if needed make any corrections in the code automatically. Here come

How to work with Twig Templates in Drupal?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon24th Jun 2022
In this article, we are going to see how a developer can work with Twig templates, and how to override templates (if needed) and create template suggestions with hooks, so that templates could be easily managed. Basically drupal allows people to override the existing twig templates, so that people can fully have control on the html generated via the custom theme. First thing, we need to make sur

Quick reference of Code Reviews for Drupal Application

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon22nd Jun 2022
In this article we are going to see how your Drupal team can do code reviews and available tools or libraries which help people in the team to do the code reviews seamlessly. It’s pretty important to follow a few guidelines as well, so that all people or developers in the team are on the same page. Firstly, for the code reviews to be at their best, the committed code should be more organis

Usage of PHPCS on Github via Pull Request for Drupal Applications

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon20th Jun 2022
In this article, we are going to see how some tools & libraries will make people's lives easier during the development & code review process. And to make developer life easier, developers look for tools or libraries which can automated code review and if needed make any corrections in the code automatically. Here comes the PHP codesniffer and Drupal coder module. If you are maintaini

What Drupal offers as Responsive Web Design within Core

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon7th Oct 2021
In this article, we gonna see What Drupal offers as Responsive Web Design within Drupal Core for developers. While Drupal 8 was out and it had a buzz of being responsive, mobile friendly. And yes, the Internet is on the verge of being dominated by smartphones & Drupal needs to be prepared.Mobile friendly will also mean the content is first. From a big screen to a little screen, elements would look

Know why Symfony framework was picked by Drupal

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon22nd Aug 2021
In this article, we gonna see why Symfony was picked for Drupal and what it changes for developers. As we all know PHP evolved rapidly in the past years, and unfortunately, Drupal adjustment to this development was not satisfying, especially in the case of software engineering patterns adoption. And that is one of the reasons why Drupal Developers had to come up with creative ways to deal with suc

Understand why Twig is replacing PHP Template in Drupal

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon14th Aug 2021
A completely new template engine is introduced in Drupal. The templating system in all previous versions of Drupal is using theme_* functions and PHP-based *.tpl.php files. Now, this has been completely replaced in Drupal 8. Instead of using theme functions and theme template files, Drupal is now using the Twig templating system. Twig is a PHP-based compiled templating l

AES Encrypt & Decrypt

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon11th Jun 2019
Advanced Encryption Standard, where we use AES-256 to encrypt the data with Cipher. Encrypt & Decrypt approach taken is 'Cipher Block Chaining' method 'AES-256-CBC'. AES Encrypt We would have the 'Secret' stored in a file which is other than the web root.

Profiling Drupal Performance with Webgrind and Xdebug

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon2nd May 2016
Xdebug Profiling is all about measuring the performance of PHP code. In this article you gonna see how your measure the performance of your php code using webgrid and the xdebug. Requirements: Xdebug, with profiler enabled Webgrind Xdebug Addon plugin for browser 1. Xdebug with profiler enabled For setting up the environment, edit the php.ini file and add following lines. xdebug.profiler_en

Configuring & Debugging Drupal 7 on PHPStorm with XDebug on Ubuntu14

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon26th Aug 2015
Debugging the code is one of the important process for a developer, So now this article will help you to configure the Phpstorm for debugging the Drupal 7 application with the help of xDebug. The configuration made in this article refers specifically to the Ubuntu machine, which has Apache2 webserver running and xDebug installed. Inital
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