Leela Vasundhara

Leela Vasundhara

A practical (ISTJ) Indian, a Very Responsible, Strong-willed and Dutiful & , who loves to sing and read. Technical Writer at Bharat Electronics.

  • Electronics Geek
  • Book worm

Articles by Leela Vasundhara

Unconditional love...

ByLeela Vasundharaon1st Jun 2022
To say, it is a love without any strings attached and selfless. It is about acceptance. It doesn’t associate with outward appearance, supports the other person by always being there and doesn’t go away even when circumstances are bad or difficult. It can be understood as without any reservations, without judgements, caring about the happiness of the other person without expecting any

Friend, What comes to your mind, When you hear this word?

ByLeela Vasundharaon2nd Apr 2022
One line would be someone whom we are fond of talking to or spending time with. Usually, he/she is someone apart from a family member, with whom you share a good bond, which might be fun, compassion, empathy, or maybe a few common interests with them. Seldom, friendships are formed among unexpected people and in uncertain circumstances.  Whatever it may be, there is a belief that we meet pe

Dream, Small Information on it…

ByLeela Vasundharaon18th Mar 2022
Have you ever dreamed about something like people you have known in life, a place you are very familiar with, some incident that disturbs your mental peace, meeting an unknown person, or exploring a far distant place? Of course, all of us dream, that’s a natural phenomenon that happens with everyone. Sometimes dreams give us a good feeling which refreshes our life or a bad feeling which keeps u

Get to know one's Personality Type

ByLeela Vasundharaon14th Mar 2022
Myers-Briggs Personality Type Way to identify the personality type of the person, his/her strengths and preferences in life. Based on the set of questions and answers to it, one’s personality type can be assessed. So, here we go, choose your response and pick the letter corresponding to that set of questions if you agree. The questions fall under four categories which are described below. 1. Are
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