Once upon a time, in a small town named Rampur, there lived a hungry stray dog named Bhola. He roamed the streets in search of food every day. One afternoon, after hours of searching, he finally found a delicious, meaty bone outside a butcher’s shop. Excited, he quickly grabbed it in his mouth and ran to a quiet place to enjoy his meal.
On his way, Bhola had to cross a small wooden bridge over a river. As he walked across, he happened to look down and saw his own reflection in the clear water below. But Bhola did not realize it was his own image. Instead, he thought there was another dog in the water holding a bigger, juicier bone.
That bone looks tastier than mine! Bhola thought greedily. If I can snatch it from that dog, I will have two bones instead of one!
Without thinking, Bhola opened his mouth to bark at the "other dog" in the water. But as soon as he did, his own bone slipped from his mouth and fell into the river with a splash. Bhola watched helplessly as his precious meal sank to the bottom and disappeared.
Now, he had nothing. His stomach growled, and he felt foolish for being so greedy. Sadly, Bhola walked away, learning an important lesson that day—greed can make you lose even what you already have.
Moral of the story: "Greed leads to loss." Be happy with what you have instead of always wanting more.
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