
What is the most romantic thing someone can do?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon27th Sep 2024
Romantic gestures and statements can differ a lot depending on what each person likes and how their relationship works. What one person thinks is super romantic, another might not feel the same way. Here are some common romantic things people often say or do that many find special and heartwarming: 1. Writing a Love Letter One of the most romantic things you can do is write a love letter. Taki

How can a husband manage two wives and be happy?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon3rd Sep 2024
Managing a polygamous relationship while aiming for happiness for all parties involved requires careful consideration, communication and empathy. Here are some practical tips that may help a husband manage two wives and foster happiness within the family dynamic: Clear Communication: Open and honest communication is essential. Ensure that all parties understand and agree to the polygamous arr

What are the most disturbing truth about marriage?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon25th Aug 2024
One of the most disturbing truths about marriage is that it doesn't guarantee happiness or permanence. Despite the idealized portrayal of marriage in media and society, the reality is that marriages can face challenges and difficulties. Here are a few aspects that some may find disturbing: High Divorce Rates: In many parts of the world, divorce rates are significant, indicating that not all

My husband loves me but clearly fancies a woman at work. How can I manage my jealousy?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon21st Jun 2024
Dealing with jealousy in a relationship can be challenging, especially when you feel your partner is attracted to someone else. Here are some steps you can take to manage your feelings and address the situation constructively: 1. Acknowledge Your Feelings Why: Recognizing your emotions is the first step in managing them. How: Accept that it’s normal to feel jealous and give yourself perm

How to be a Good Listener?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon29th Apr 2024
Being a good listener is essential for effective communication and building strong relationships. Here are some reasons why being a good listener is important, along with tips on how to improve your listening skills: Why Be a Good Listener: Enhances Relationships: Being a good listener fosters trust, understanding, and empathy in relationships, strengthening bonds and promoting healthy communi

How do you know if you are emotionally neglecting your partner in a relationship?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon26th Apr 2024
Emotional neglect in a relationship can occur when one partner fails to provide the emotional support, validation, and connection that the other partner needs. Here are some signs that you may be emotionally neglecting your partner: Lack of Communication: You rarely engage in meaningful conversations with your partner or fail to actively listen to their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Emotion

How to Understand Love and Hate after Cheating?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon15th Apr 2024
Understanding the complex mix of emotions involving love and hate after experiencing cheating in a relationship can be a challenging and deeply personal journey. Here are some steps to help you navigate these emotions: Acknowledge Your Feelings: Recognize and accept the range of emotions you're experiencing, including love, hate, anger, sadness, betrayal, and confusion. Allow yourself to

How to find out that your partner has a toxic personality?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon10th Apr 2024
Identifying a toxic personality in a partner can be challenging, as toxic behavior often manifests gradually and may be disguised by other traits. However, there are some signs and red flags that may indicate that your partner has a toxic personality. Here's how to recognize and address toxic behavior in a partner: Trust Your Gut: Pay attention to your instincts and feelings about the rel

Few relationship events in life, those change people's personality?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon1st Apr 2024
Relationship events can indeed have a significant impact on a person's personality, shaping their behaviors, attitudes, and emotional responses. These events can occur at any stage of a relationship, from the initial stages of courtship to long-term commitment. Here are some relationship events that can lead to personality changes and the reasons behind them: Falling in Love: Falling in l

For what reasons do relationships fail?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon20th Mar 2024
Relationships can fail for various reasons, and the dynamics of each relationship are unique. However, there are some common factors that can contribute to relationship failure: Poor Communication: Communication breakdown is one of the primary reasons relationships fail. Lack of effective communication can lead to misunderstandings, unresolved conflicts, and feelings of resentment. Lack of

Signs that your relationship has reached its end

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon29th Nov 2023
Deciding when a relationship has reached its end can be a complex and emotionally challenging process. While every relationship is unique, certain signs may indicate that it's time to consider ending a relationship. Here are some potential signs: Lack of Communication: Communication is a cornerstone of a healthy relationship. If communication has become strained or there's a constant br

What to do after a breakup in a relationship?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon17th Sep 2023
Going through a breakup can be a challenging and emotional experience. Here are some steps to consider to help you cope and heal after a breakup: Allow Yourself to Grieve: It's okay to feel sad, angry, or confused. Give yourself permission to experience these emotions and allow yourself to grieve the loss of the relationship. Lean on Support: Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist who

What is the best age to get married and why?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon1st Sep 2023
There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to the best age to get married because the right age for marriage varies for each individual and is influenced by cultural, personal, and societal factors. Here are some points to consider: Personal Readiness: Marriage requires emotional maturity, communication skills, and a strong understanding of oneself. The best age is when you feel emotionally and

Horrible secrets that you should share with your partner and how?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon20th Aug 2023
While it's important to promote open communication and honesty in a relationship, the term "horrible secrets" suggests highly sensitive or distressing information that may be challenging to share. In certain situations, disclosing such secrets might be necessary for the well-being and trust in the relationship. Here are ten examples of secrets that may need to be shared: Infidelit

Horrible secrets that you cannot share with your partner and why?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon16th Aug 2023
While open communication and honesty are generally important in a healthy relationship, there might be certain situations where it may not be necessary or beneficial to share certain information with your partner. However, it's crucial to note that the concept of "horrible secrets" varies from person to person, and the decision to disclose or withhold information ultimately depends o

Seven tips to have a healthy relationship

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon21st Jul 2023
Building and maintaining a healthy relationship requires effort, communication, and mutual respect. Here are seven tips to help foster a healthy and fulfilling relationship: Effective Communication: Communication is key to any successful relationship. Foster open and honest communication by actively listening, expressing yourself clearly, and being receptive to your partner's thoughts and fe

Ten Best Romantic Relationship Tips

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon28th Jun 2023
Building a strong and healthy romantic relationship requires effort, communication, and mutual respect. Here are some tips to help you foster a fulfilling and loving romantic relationship: Effective Communication: Communication is key to any successful relationship. Be open, honest, and willing to listen to your partner. Express your thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly, and encourage your part

Is Life worth Living without Marriage

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon8th Jun 2023
Yes, life is worth living without marriage. Marriage is a personal choice, and not being married does not diminish the value or worth of an individual's life. There are many fulfilling and meaningful experiences, relationships, and accomplishments that can be pursued outside of marriage. The worth and fulfillment of life come from various sources, such as personal growth, meaningful connectio

People who cares the least has the most power in a Relationship

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon6th Jun 2023
The statement "People who care the least have the most power in a relationship" is a common belief, but it is not necessarily true or healthy for a relationship. Here's why: Power dynamics: Viewing relationships as power struggles can create an imbalance and undermine the foundation of trust, mutual respect, and equality. A healthy relationship is built on mutual care, understandin

Psychological facts about Attracting People

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon3rd Jun 2023
Psychological attraction is a complex and multifaceted topic influenced by various factors. Here are some psychological facts that may play a role in attracting people: Physical appearance matters: Physical attractiveness can have an initial impact on attracting others. Studies have shown that certain features, such as symmetry, averageness, and healthy appearance, are generally perceived as mor

How do you take space in a Relationship without breaking up?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon2nd Jun 2023
Taking space in a relationship can be healthy and necessary for both individuals to maintain their well-being and strengthen the relationship. Here are some suggestions for taking space without breaking up: Communicate openly: Talk to your partner about the need for space and the reasons behind it. Express your feelings, desires, and concerns in a calm and honest manner. Explain that taking spa

Lessons to be learnt from Marriage

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon25th May 2023
Marriage is a complex and deeply personal experience, and the lessons one can learn from it can vary based on individual circumstances. However, here are some common lessons that people often learn from their marriages: Communication is key: Effective communication is crucial for a healthy and thriving marriage. Learning to express your thoughts, emotions, and needs openly and honestly, while al

UnConditional Love in a Couples Relationship

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon28th Jan 2023
It is commonly said that Women are complex in mental nature while Men remain easy to understand and simple. Whatever be the reasons that backup this comment, in relationships both Men and Women follow slightly diverted paths. What Men look for in a relationship is not what motivates Women to fall in relationships. The differences in desires, mentalities, passion, expression levels etc.,

Expectations and Freedom in a Relationship

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon18th Jan 2023
People having expectations in a relationship and willing to have freedom in relationships are few of the main reasons for not having a peaceful and healthy relationship with each other. Having or Setting some unrealistic expectations to have in a relationship can contribute to ending their marriage. Honestly both the people should be open in communication to each other in terms of the expectatio

Tips to Overcome Suicidal Thoughts

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon27th Jul 2022
When you are having suicidal thoughts, first thing you need to tell your mind is you can overcome this, whatever the problem or situation is, you can overcome. Suicidal thoughts are very difficult to handle or they are difficult to understand or explain. Sometimes they can be just going around your mind or sometimes they can become a thing, which you wish to do right away. In either case you have

Stop Overthinking your Thoughts of Future

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon24th Jul 2022
Overthinking your thoughts will lead you to even more worry. If you are an overthinker or a person who thinks to take precautions for the future, then you will know exactly how it goes. Generally a problem comes to your mind, for example a worry or health or a problem at work or some sort of issue in a relationship, because of the thoughts you will be thinking about it a lot and you will try to ge

Having Good Sex at any Age! Is it Really Possible?

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon11th Mar 2022
No matter what is your gender, you can always enjoy sex for as long as you wish. And naturally sex at age of 70 or 80 may not be same like it is at would be at 20 or 30, but It would be better in some ways. Sex can be one of the powerful emotional experience and one of the great tool for protecting or improving your health, And it doesn’t mean, you can have it only at young age. Y

South Indian Hindu Marriage - Andhra Style

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon28th Jun 2021
South Indian weddings are traditionally going to be planned or happen for one or more than a day, which involve having mehndi for the bride particularly, in some cases times groom as well have mehndi. Few of the south Indians have Haldi ceremonies as well. Groom's arrival itself is celebrated. And the wedding ceremony begins with a few pooja’s & traditions. And at the end, the couple will be sen

UNSAID CONFESSIONS - Some insights that one can take

ByLeela Vasundharaon5th Mar 2021
"Unsaid confessions" often refer to the thoughts, feelings, or truths that people hold back or choose not to express openly. These unsaid confessions can be insightful for personal growth, relationships, and understanding human behavior. Here are some insights that one might take from exploring the concept of unsaid confessions: 1. Understanding Inner Conflict Personal Struggles: Uns

Lessons Learnt from three years of Relationship

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon25th Feb 2021
Living together for almost three years is a good amount of journey in your life. For me atleast like, part of me feels like time is absolutely flying and the other half feels like we have been married for three years. We have certainly not been perfect, but I'm gonna share fews lessons which I learnt out of these three years which I spent in my relationship. 1. Importanc

Fighting in a Couple's Relationship is Normal

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon4th Dec 2020
Every Couple will fight & it's completely Normal, unless its scares both of them. No two people are exactly the same way, each of them are unique. Couples can occasionally or often might have conflicts or disagreements which might lead to an argument of fight. If that particular conflict of argument is taken as a healthy discussion, then you will be knowing more about your partner and you both wil
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