Tips to Overcome Suicidal Thoughts

Tips to Overcome Suicidal Thoughts

On27th Jul 2022, 2025-02-19T11:25:38+05:30 ByKarthik Kumar D K | read
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When you are having suicidal thoughts, first thing you need to tell your mind is you can overcome this, whatever the problem or situation is, you can overcome.

Suicidal thoughts are very difficult to handle or they are difficult to understand or explain. Sometimes they can be just going around your mind or sometimes they can become a thing, which you wish to do right away. In either case you have to strictly keep in mind, this is because of only the current unbearable pain or the loss which you are having.

At this stage, you know you cannot have trust in hope. Still, you have to remember there is always a way to sort out.

After reading many articles, watching videos and facing some of the stuff in the world, I have few tips which can be helpful to overcome such suicidal thoughts

  1. Focus on Attention for Solution
  2. Think of the reasons why you should Live
  3. Moments from the Past
  4. Reach out to people or any other living being (a dog or a cat)

Focus on Attention for Solution

  • You have to focus on the solution instead of the problem. This should be your goal.
  • Take a deep breath, give some oxygen to your brain, so that it can concentrate on something better.
  • You might be in the corner, you can shout or you can cry or you can run for a while or do something which takes you out of the corner.
  • Visualize how the solution would look like. It can be very relaxing or you can get a picture of the solution already.

Think of the reasons why you should Live

  • You need to remember the reason to Live is not to escape. You should not give up.
  • While you are feeling low, generally people tend towards the negative thoughts and you have to realize one reason to Live is not to feel low of yourself.
  • You need to start to think of some reasons to Live, for some it would be loved ones, for some it would be dreams and for some it could be their responsibilities, in any case Living is a pretty needed reason.
  • I think people should have a bucket list of things to do in Life, which can act as a backup emergency checklist during such times.

Moments from the Past

  • Look for the moments that you have done something good or better in your Life, this will help to visualize and come out of the thoughts.
  • Honestly, remember something in the past which helped you feel better, have faith and trust.

Reach out to people or any other living being (a dog or a cat)

  • Reach out for the people who do care for you (if you have any).
  • You need to remember speaking out will reduce half of the pain. You can talk to your people.
  • You can talk to yourself, you can do this too like you sing the songs while you're driving. Talking to yourself can be seen as madness, but talking to yourself loud will help you feel better.
  • Have a dog or cat, talk to it about your problem or situation. They are good listeners, because they don’t understand your language. This will make you better.

To conclude, having such thoughts in mind can be very troublesome for people, but one hase to make sure to overcome this and try to avoid such thoughts in the future.

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