Heat waves in India and Current Temperature Status and Warning for next five Days

Heat waves in India and Current Temperature Status and Warning for next five Days

On29th Mar 2021, 2025-02-19T11:25:38+05:30 ByKarthik Kumar D K | read
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In 21st century due to climate changes, global temperature can increase means heat waves would be compartively more. This might affect human health a lot and in some cases can lead to death. We should know that, these heat waves will affect many people in small amount of time.

In India, these Heat waves generally occur from March - June, & in some cases, they might extend till month of July. In northern parts of India, 5-6 heat wave events would occur every year and one such event can be for weeks & can impact more people at once.

On 28th March 2021, GOI Earth System Science Organization has informed, Current Temperature Status and Warning for next five Day - Here's the Report.

Heat waves in India and Current Temperature Status and Warning for next five Daysl

Heat Waves & Health

Impact on the health depends on many things like, for how much time heat wave was their, for how much people can adapt to it.

Some major health impacts of heat are:

  • Body not able to regulate the temperature, because of it can lead to heatstroke & heat cramps.
  • Such extream temperatures sometime cause deaths due to cardiovascular or respiratory problems.
  • It also creates issues in air quality and water, because of these their might be a change in human behaviour.

Tips to follow:

  • Have good amount of water and keep your body hydrated in such times.
  • Avoid yourself or your loved ones to get exposed to such heat waves.

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