Precautions while travelling during Coronavirus times

Precautions while travelling during Coronavirus times

On25th Jun 2021, 2025-02-19T11:25:38+05:30 ByKarthik Kumar D K | read
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It is not completely safe to travel during the Coronavirus times. Although the mortality rate of the people affected with COVID appears to be quite low, there is always a chance with the data which we get in our country. I see one should avoid travelling as much as possible so that we reduce the chances of spreading the virus.

Following are some of the things to be considered before you travel. like

Age of the people:

People over the age of 75+ have high chances of getting a complication if affected. Anyways peoples who fall under 10 years to 40 years have been found to show a relatively low mortality rate. This doesn’t really mean that kids and young adults are on the safe side, they should be taking all the precautions otherwise they may spread the virus.

Medical history of people:

People having any respiratory or cardiac disease, cancer, diabetics etc are having high chances of getting seriously ill from the coronavirus when compared to healthy people. So this section of people should be extra careful if they are planning about any travel.

Should you reschedule your travel plans during this Coronavirus pandemic?

We have been seeing this coronavirus for the past year and many things are yet unknown about the virus. Health officials around the world are putting efforts to warn people to avoid non-needed travel and to stay after from public gatherings as much as possible.

But in a case like, if the trip is really essential and you are needed to travel to low affection region then you have to make sure you are ready with all the needed measures to protect yourself & others. So that you keep yourself safe during the travel.

And, according to suggestions of the Health experts, you need to follow certain precautions to yourself safe during this time.

1. Wash hands frequently:

Make sure you wash your hands for 10-20 seconds if you are accessing any public spaces or using public transport to minimize the chances of contracting to coronavirus.

Always have a sanitizer with you, so that it will be helpful if soap and water is not available when you need it to wash hands. And it is recommended to have a sanitizer which has atleast 60 percent of alcohol content.

2. Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands:

Make sure you avoid touching your face with unwashed hands while you people are in public place during travelling. Health experts say that coronavirus can stay on surfaces upto few hours by this chances of spreading is more, if your face or nose or mouth or ears gets contact to such surfaces.

3. Always keep minimum distance from people:

Since symptoms of coronavirus are similar to the common cold or flu. If you see any one coughing or sneezing, try to stay alteast 2-3 feet away from the person. Possibility of spreading through the respiratory droplets by cough or sneeze.

4. Always avoid crowds

Just be away from the crowd, where you might not know who is healthy or un-healthy. To be on the safe side just be away from crowd.

5. Stay is a good place

Make sure the place you stay is been well maintained with all minimal needed coronavirus precautions. During check-in, double check with the hotel staff & managment to make sure the room is cleaned thoroughly. Also to be on the safe side use you own disinfectant to spray room youself.

6. Always wear mask when you are with people.

Make sure you wear mask while you are interacting with other people and in case if you feel you have any symptoms of coronavirus, be carefull and take needed precautions so that you won’t get affected to your loved ones.

So be careful & prepared while you plan for travel and have a safe journey.

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