The Jackal and the Drum

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon30th Jun 2024, 2024-10-22T19:07:59+05:30 Listen Pause Resume Stop
The Jackal and the Drum

Once upon a time, in a dense forest teeming with life, there lived a sly and cunning jackal named Jithu. Jithu was known throughout the forest for his clever tricks and deceitful ways, always looking for opportunities to outsmart his fellow creatures.

One day, as Jithu was prowling through the forest in search of his next meal, he stumbled upon a large drum lying abandoned by the side of the path. Intrigued by the unusual object, Jithu approached the drum and inspected it with keen interest.

"This is no ordinary drum", thought Jithu, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "With this drum, I could play all sorts of tricks on the unsuspecting creatures of the forest".

With a mischievous grin, Jithu picked up the drum and began to beat out a lively rhythm, filling the forest with the sound of his drumming. As the rhythmic beats echoed through the trees, Jithu couldn't help but feel a sense of power and control wash over him.

Soon, creatures from far and wide came to investigate the source of the mysterious drumming. They marveled at Jithu's skill and admired the drum's enchanting melody, completely unaware of the jackal's ulterior motives.

But as Jithu continued to play, he grew bolder and more reckless, using the drum to manipulate and deceive the creatures of the forest for his own gain. He would beat out rhythms to lure unsuspecting prey into his grasp or to lead his rivals into traps, reveling in the chaos and confusion he created.

However, Jithu's deceitful ways did not go unnoticed. The wise old owl, who watched over the forest with keen eyes, saw through Jithu's tricks and recognized the danger he posed to the delicate balance of nature.

Determined to put an end to Jithu's mischief once and for all, the owl devised a clever plan. Under the cover of darkness, while Jithu slept soundly in his den, the owl swooped down and snatched the drum from his grasp, carrying it far away into the depths of the forest where it would never be found again.

When Jithu awoke the next morning, he was horrified to discover that his prized drum was gone. Desperate to reclaim his source of power and control, he searched high and low throughout the forest, but to no avail.

Defeated and humbled, Jithu realized the error of his ways. He understood that true power could not be gained through deceit and manipulation, but through honesty, integrity, and respect for the world around him.

From that day forth, Jithu vowed to mend his deceitful ways and live in harmony with his fellow creatures. And though he may have lost his drum, he gained something far more valuable—a newfound sense of humility and respect for the beauty and wonder of the forest.

The moral of the story is that true power comes not from manipulation or deceit, but from honesty, integrity, and respect for others. Jithu the jackal learns that the consequences of his deceitful actions ultimately lead to his downfall, while humility and respect pave the way for a more harmonious existence within the natural world.

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