The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon16th Oct 2024, 2024-10-18T09:31:30+05:30 Listen Pause Resume Stop
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

Once upon a time, a town mouse went to visit his cousin, a country mouse, who lived in a peaceful meadow. The country mouse, thrilled to have a visitor, welcomed his cousin with great warmth and enthusiasm. He wanted to share the simple joys of his life with the town mouse.

The country mouse prepared a humble meal of fresh seeds, nuts, and grains, gathered from the fields nearby. As they sat down to eat, the town mouse nibbled at the food but was not very impressed.

"My dear cousin", said the town mouse, "how can you live like this? This food is plain and unexciting, and life here is so quiet and dull. You must come with me to the town, where you can feast on rich and delicious food every day and enjoy the excitement of city life!"

Intrigued by the promise of fine food and adventure, the country mouse agreed to visit the town with his cousin. The next morning, they set off for the bustling town.

When they arrived at the town mouse's grand house, the country mouse was amazed by its size and elegance. Inside, the table was set with an abundance of rich and decadent food—cheeses, pastries, fruits, and all kinds of treats. The country mouse had never seen such a feast in his life.

"This is the life!" exclaimed the town mouse, offering his cousin a large piece of cheese. "Eat to your heart's content!"

The country mouse was just about to take a big bite when suddenly, the door swung open with a bang, and the two mice heard the sound of footsteps. A large cat had entered the room, its eyes gleaming as it spotted the mice. Terrified, the mice scurried off the table and into a small hole in the wall, trembling with fear.

Once the cat had left, the town mouse and the country mouse returned to the table. But just as they were about to resume their meal, the door opened again, and this time, it was a servant entering the room. The servant stomped about, nearly stepping on the mice as they once again had to flee for their lives.

The country mouse, his heart pounding, looked at his cousin and said, "This may be a grand feast, but there is too much danger here. I would rather eat simple food in peace and safety than feast in fear."

The town mouse shrugged, but he understood his cousin's point of view. The country mouse thanked him for his hospitality but decided it was time to return to his quiet, safe life in the countryside.

And so, the country mouse went back to his humble home, content to live simply and free from the dangers of the town. He never regretted his decision, for he knew that peace and safety were far more valuable than luxury and wealth.

Moral of the story: It is better to live a simple and peaceful life than to enjoy riches and luxury that come with fear and danger. True happiness comes from contentment and safety, not from extravagant living.

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