The Wise Judge

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon22nd Oct 2024, 2024-10-22T19:07:59+05:30 Listen Pause Resume Stop
The Wise Judge

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a wise and fair judge. People from all around the village came to him whenever they had disputes or disagreements, for he was known for his ability to see through lies and deliver justice.

One day, two women came to the judge, each claiming to be the mother of a young baby boy. The first woman said, "This baby is mine! She is lying and trying to steal my child!"

The second woman countered, "No, the baby is mine! She is the liar!"

Both women wept and pleaded, each insisting that the baby belonged to her. The villagers gathered around, curious to see how the wise judge would resolve such a difficult case.

The judge thought for a moment and then said, "Since both of you claim to be the mother of this child, and there is no way to prove who is telling the truth, I will solve the problem."

The two women watched as the judge called for a guard to bring him a sword. The judge held the sword and said, "Since you cannot agree, we will cut the baby in half, and each of you can take a half. That way, you will both have a part of the child."

The crowd gasped in shock, and the first woman nodded in agreement, saying, "If I cannot have the child, then neither of us should."

But the second woman cried out, "No! Please, don’t harm the baby! Let her have the child—just don’t hurt him!"

The wise judge immediately put down the sword and smiled. He pointed to the second woman and said, "You are the true mother. A real mother would never let harm come to her child, even if it meant giving him up."

The second woman burst into tears of relief and joy as she was reunited with her baby. The first woman, caught in her lie, hung her head in shame and quickly left the village.

The villagers praised the judge for his wisdom and fairness, and the mother thanked him for saving her child.

Moral of the story: "True love is selfless and protective." A real parent, or anyone who genuinely cares, will always prioritize the well-being of others over their own selfish desires.

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