The Wise Little Hen

ByKarthik Kumar D Kon15th Apr 2024, 2024-10-22T19:07:59+05:30 Listen Pause Resume Stop
The Wise Little Hen

Once upon a time, in a cozy little farm nestled amidst rolling green hills, there lived a wise little hen named Henrietta. Henrietta was known far and wide for her intelligence and resourcefulness.

One sunny morning, as Henrietta pecked at the ground in search of food, she stumbled upon a handful of wheat grains scattered on the path. Eager to make the most of her discovery, Henrietta decided to plant the grains and grow a bountiful wheat crop.

Henrietta knew that planting and tending to the wheat would require hard work and dedication. She asked the other animals on the farm for help, but they were too busy with their own tasks and declined her request.

Undeterred, Henrietta took it upon herself to plant the grains, water them diligently, and care for the growing wheat plants day and night. Despite the challenges she faced, Henrietta never wavered in her determination to see her efforts through.

As the weeks passed, the wheat grew tall and golden in the warm sunshine. Henrietta worked tirelessly, harvesting the ripe wheat and grinding it into flour to make bread. She knew that her hard work would soon pay off.

One day, when the bread was baked and ready to be enjoyed, Henrietta invited the other animals on the farm to join her for a feast. To her surprise, they eagerly accepted her invitation and gathered around the table to share the delicious bread.

As they savored the warm, freshly baked bread, Henrietta smiled and said, "You see, my dear friends, when we work together and help each other, we can accomplish great things. Hard work and cooperation are the keys to success."

The other animals nodded in agreement, realizing the truth in Henrietta's words. From that day on, they worked together as a team, helping each other and sharing in the rewards of their labor.

And so, with Henrietta's wisdom and guidance, the little farm prospered, and its inhabitants lived happily ever after, knowing that they were stronger together than they could ever be apart.

The moral of the story is that hard work, perseverance, and cooperation are essential for success. Henrietta's determination and willingness to work together with others enabled her to achieve her goals and bring happiness to the farm.

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